Weekend Happenings: 16 miler, Pizza Pizza, and Ready For Fall

Well this weekend was a doozy.

For starters, I ran my longest distance ever. I popped out of bed surprisingly early on Saturday morning and met up with my CARA group to attempt what I thought was an impossible 16 miler along the lake. The first 12 miles weren’t too hard, especially since I ended up running next to an awesome girl named Brigitte and we ended up talking the entire time. But the minute I hit the half marathon mark (my longest distance to date) my body hit a wall and it felt like the next three miles would be insurmountable. I’ll tell you — having Brigitte there saved me. I wouldn’t have even come close to finishing without her. She talked to me the entire time and I even stopped talking back the last two miles but she kept on gabbing, trying to distract me from the pain. And in the end, I was so happy I kept going — I thought the runner’s high after 8 miles was strong…but aside from feeling like I was having a stroke, the high I had the rest of the weekend after the 16 miler was crazy! Such an incredible feeling.

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I ran home and did the typical runner things (including my first ice bath, which I definitely did wrong and didn’t put any water in the tub), hoping that I would be able to function for the rest of the gorgeous weekend instead of hobbling around my apartment like a 90 year old woman.

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Legs up the wall is a true life saver, even when your hip flexors are so tight that you can’t even straighten them. The foam roller is going to be my best friend this week.

The rest of Saturday was spent at the beach, eating pizza, and playing Heads Up with some of my friends who drove in from the suburbs to enjoy the gorgeous weather — it really was the most perfect day of the summer.unnamed (14)

I met Spencer downtown later in the night for some rooftop cocktails which in hindsight wasn’t the greatest idea after a double digit run, but I’ll rarely turn down an invitation from friends.

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Sunday was the definition of exhaustion. I had to work at the store but since I hadn’t really rested since my long run and day/night on the town I was pretty loopy. Luckily the shift flew and I was able to meet Megan out for dinner for her birthday today! Megan and I just realized that we’ve been friends for 10 YEARS now — the fact that I’m old enough to have a decade-long friend is only slightly terrifying but it’s crazy to think how much we’ve been through together. Never in a million years in freshman-year French class did we think we’d be living just across the street from one another in the city.

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Oh, and we ate more pizza and beer. I think that was the theme of my weekend (never an unwelcome one).

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Now that I truly got to enjoy a full summer weekend I’m completely ready for fall to be here. I keep my apartment on the chilly side so I can hang out in a sweatshirt and sip coffee in the morning like it’s going to be a fall day anyway, so I just need nature to get on the same page as me. Let’s just keep winter far, far away, shall we?


  • What did you feel like the first time you ran a crazy-long distance?
  • Are you ready for fall or still savoring summer?


  1. I spy some 10:30s planking in the background of your picture!

    Congrats on finishing your 16 miler, lady! That’s no small feat, but you did it, even if it was tough. Don’t let it psych you out too much – everyone has a rough run every now and again, and having those helps prepare you mentally for the marathon, which is just as important as physically preparing for the marathon. It’s lovely to rest after a tough run, but moving around and keeping active (within reason, obviously) can be really helpful for recovery and keeping post-run soreness at bay. Cutback week this week! 12 miles should feel like a breeze compared to Saturday 🙂

    1. Thanks! It was a feat just to finish it! I’ve never gone long enough to hit a wall before haha but now I know EXACTLY how that feels. It was great to see you and maybe I’ll join the 10:30s next week 🙂

  2. I think after this past weekend I’m getting ready for Fall. I love summer and I know in a few weeks I’ll be missing it HARD, but I’m excited for a change in season and hopefully (!!) a decrease in humidity!! Have a fabulous Monday girl!

  3. I’ll never forget how awesome it was when I started hitting all new distance PRs while training for my first full marathon- everything after 13 miles was so exciting! Congrats on an awesome run! Looks like a fun weekend overall. I can handle fall but I really don’t want to even hear anything about winter yet!

  4. Haha I’m cracking up at your ice “bath”! I bet it was still helpful since ice packs always feel great when my muscles are tired and sore. And I appreciate the fact that you had pizza twice. For some reason, I’ve been craving pizza like crazy recently so I’ve been giving into some of those cravings 🙂

  5. Awesome job on your 16 miler!! That is huge! Your ice bath is the most hilarious thing I have seen all day : ) Although, I swear by ice baths every time. I always fill the tub up with cold water, get in and then have someone dump the ice into the water. It makes it less jarring this way.

  6. I also ran my longest distance ever this past week! It felt really exhilarating because it was like I entered another level. I have a new confidence in my running 🙂 Legs up the wall=standard movie watching position hahaa

  7. Well done on your run! I can’t say I ever want to try running that far because, as you know, I hate running but I certainly admire you for doing that distance!
    I cannot wait for it to be summer here! Still getting used to Australia being back to front and the fact that it is winter right now… Always sunny and the odd warm day, not a bad winter and better than summer in Scotland! But I sure can’t wait for it to warm up and bit and get out to the beach!

    1. I’m so excited for you to experience a real Australian summer! I have a feeling you’re going to be blown away haha and when you’re in the midst of it I’ll be in the midst of a Chicago winter (woof!) so I’ll be living vicariously through you!

  8. Congrats on the run!!! 16 is the longest run I’ve ever done too – and my friend totally talked me through it. And then bought me pizza and beers after. It’s a legit recovery. 😉

  9. Oh my gosh you look absolutely stunning!! 16 miles!! Eek go YOU!! That’s awesome! Okay well gotta go read your blog for the rest of the night because I’ve been away from blogging all summer and missed you!! 💗💗

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