Life Lately: a Little Less Cinderella, a Little More Gus Gus

What I’m Listening To

What I’m Watching


You heard it here first, folks: women can be funny. And raunchy. And the world won’t explode.

How I’m Working Out

It’s been all yoga, all the time this week. To be honest, I’m just being lazy post-runathon that I did in March. Still working on striking that balance again.


What I’m Eating

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Yes I live in Chicago so of course I love deep dish…but in my opinion the best kind of pizza is thin crust cheese with onions and green peppers. I rarely get to order exactly what I want on my pizza (pizza ordering is all about compromising, isn’t it? The worst) but my dad happens to be the most low-maintenance date out there so I was a happy camper.

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Iced coffee is back at Starbucks. “Lore” is happy.

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My new doctor told me to “take a lollipop!” as I left. It was amazing. Then I saw that her lollipops were organic. The world these days, I tell ya…

What I’m Loving

In what can only be described as the most random occurrence in the history of existence, this little cartoon character has been mentioned to me twice in the past week. Haven’t thought about him in almost two decades, but I know you all remember Gus Gus:


I used to think when I grew up I’d be Cinderella. But now I’m realizing I relate to Gus Gus more and more every day. Have you ever tried to make your way from the kitchen to your bed with your laptop, phone, water bottle, and your assortment of midnight snacks? Enter the photo above.

Balancing all the things life throws at me makes me feel like Gus Gus a lot too. Who knew so many parallels could be drawn from a childhood cartoon? For example, most of the (many) things I spend my time on I do not get paid for. I know that I chose this kind of life and I’m working towards my goals with everything I do.  I also know that life isn’t all about money. But I’d be lying if I said money isn’t something I worry or care about. Finding the balance, handling it all is tricky — spending time volunteering, blogging, and taking on more responsibilities at work while still dealing with loans, living in an expensive city on my own, and trying to save is, in a word, scary.

That being said, can you imagine how boring life would be as Cinderella? I’m happy balancing all my cheese, thank you very much. Gus Gus for the win.


  • Who was your favorite cartoon character growing up?
  • What’s your ideal pizza?
  • Favorite show right now?


  1. True story- My friend can do the voice of gus gus. Maybe that’s why he’s one of my favourite characters too! I totally hear you on finding the balance- As much as we want to make money (c’mon, we need to- Just for every day life)- Sometimes other things get in the way or need to be compromised. Also…YES. snacks, laptop, water bottle and add heater to that.

    1. I think I’ve figured out their game…the cashier puts a weird name on the cup, then the barista has to figure out what the real name is and call it out. Because when I had “Lore” on my cup he still called out Lauren…oooor they’re just bored haha

  2. Oh my goodness I love gus gus! David and I watched Cinderella over Christmas and I kept on telling David how much I loved him and how he steals the show of the whole movie, well in my option 😉 (also I cannot say Cinderella, I always call it cinderellie – like the mice do!)
    Nice sunny day here today so I think I will head out to starbucks to do my work – iced Americano on the cards!

  3. I totally feel like Gus Gus these days too! I feel like I’m trying to be three different people at once and it’s really tiring.
    Now you’ve got me craving pizza big time. I love tomatoes, basil, and feta cheese on my pizza!

  4. LOVE your comparison to Gus Gus! I feel like that all the time! Finding balance is sometimes difficult, but I love the variety of everything on my plate and wouldn’t trade it for anything!

  5. Haha I love this post and the Gus Gus comparison- I identify much more with Gus Gus for sure. Hahaha Lore 🙂 That pizza looks SO good- thin crust is my favorite, too, so you get a higher topping-to-crust ratio!

  6. Generally I don’t like pizza (I know. I’m weird.) But my fave is if I make it myself with red peppers, ricotta, and shrimp. I have to admit though that as far as pizzas go, that one up there looks really good AND the best pizza I’ve ever had while not at my house was in Chicago!

  7. I LOVE BROAD CITY! I have to find some way to watch it over here in Scotland, I was mid season 2 when I moved and they don’t have it streaming anywhere here 😦 Seriously, the episode where Abbi gets her wisdom teeth out and goes to Whole Foods with the gigantic stuffed tooth LOL. Those chicks are seriously hilarious!

    1. Hahahahaha that episode! Honestly there are so many clips from that show that are so, so, soooo hilarious. When Abbi’s “art show” is in a vegan sandwich shop and ilana is like “you put me thru all this for a “suh-and-wich sh-ah-ohp” ? Some of those one liners are amazing! You HAVE to find a way to watch it!!

  8. Love that Needtobreathe song! Haven’t gotten to see them live since that song came out but hoping to catch them again soon! Growing up, I had a crush on the girl from Inspector Gadget. Lol!!!

    1. I just found out that Needtobreathe is playing at an outdoor venue this summer and I can’t think of anything better to look forward to for the hot months. Lol I think we all had crushes on cartoons at one point…we were in for a rude awakening

  9. Aw my hamster was named Gus after Gus Gus. He’s so precious. I definitely understand you on the money issue. I have been having internal battles about it for awhile…really since I’ve been here. I know that the things I am doing are putting me closer to my end goal, but the patience with the process and myself is sometimes hard to grasp. You’ll get there!

  10. I love Gus Gus! Another thing about him is that determination. Even in the face of danger, he did not want to give up!!
    I’m having pizza tomorrow night (hello first carbo-loading marathon prep session!! yayyyy!!!) and I love getting it with chicken, green peppers, and jalapeños! But maybe I’ll branch out and get sausage because I just had some chicken today and it wasn’t too yummy and now I don’t feel like having chicken for awhile haha

  11. So true! And Gus Gus was always the most entertaining! I was always drawn to the goofy characters, and still am!

  12. haha that Cindy/Gus Gus metaphor was so cute and appropriate! i mean, who wants to clean a big house all day, anyway? the only way i can relate to Cinderella is i’d totally fall in love (“love” in my life means HI that boy is adorable and i should kiss him now) at a ball and then Irish exit and leave a shoe. story of my life. 🙂

  13. Your doctor gives out lollipops?! Jealous! My doctor has given me juice boxes and crackers, but that’s only because I fainted 😛 Not the same!

    Also, that pizza is so impressive! I’ve seen half and half pizzas before, of course, but the symmetry in that one is a thing of beauty.

  14. I hear you on striking a workout balance. I did yoga for the first time in weeks yesterday and definitely need to get back on track with it. It’s good you’re giving your body a rest!

  15. I just finished SSN 3 of Revenge on Netflix and cannot wait till SSN comes on. They just finished the season on TV, but I don’t have one so I have to wait. In the mean time, I’m watching Grey’s Anatomy. My ideal pizza is thin crust so you can fold it in half into a pizza sandwich! My favorite cartoon character growing up was probably Arthur. I watched it everyday no fail 😉

    1. I’ve never once in my life folded my pizza! I know that’s a standard thing some people do though — crazy! I didn’t have cable growing up (still don’t!) so Arthur and I were best friends too! I know the whole gang haha DW, Buster, The Brain…you name it!

  16. I haven’t had pizza in what feels like 10 thousand years. When I did eat it, I would just go for the straight up cheese but these days, if I could eat it…. Oh I would make it Mediterranean style with anchovies, olives, artichoke hearts….. THE WORKS yo! 🙂

  17. Ahhh!!! This is SO fun! I love pizza and miss it so much! Haha, if only! …and oh my word those lollies!?!?! SWOON! I love Yummy Earth!

  18. Aw, Gus Gus. I’m not kidding, until today I thought he was trying to carry Corn Nuts, my childhood junk food of choice. Cheese makes more sense.

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